9th Young DZHK Retreat
September is retreat time! This year, however, one thing is different: for the first time we are meeting without our "big brother", the DZHK Retreat. But we will take a little more time just for us as Young-DZHK and meet for 3 days instead of 2 days like last year.
We meet in beautiful Potsdam, near Berlin: surrounded by green nature and right on the water. Here you can present your work to other young researchers and make contacts in a relaxed atmosphere.
The main retreat (DZHK Retreat), which normally takes place directly after the Young DZHK Retreat, is cancelled in 2023. In 2024, both retreats will take place again.
Nice weather, nice talks, nice people: Around 100 participants attended the Young DZHK Retreat in Potsdam. Thank you all for the great contributions and the intensive exchange. We hope to see many of you next year. Then again as a double event with the main retreat following the Young DZHK retreat. Mark your calendar:
10th Young DZHK Retreat and DZHK Retreat 2024
11-13 September 2024 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
A few impressions from our 9th Young DZHK Retreat 2023 in Potsdam: